Pair 2 - MICHAEL BARKER / DAVID HARRISPlace: 1, Percentage: 0% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 11: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN4 S2D95000% Board 21: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN2NT W7C915000% Board 31: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN2 W7S89000% Board 41: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWNPASS N=000% Board 51: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN2 WKH914000% Board 61: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN2 W9S89000% Board 71: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN4X N2D780000% Board 81: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN4 E5S1319000% Board 91: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN5 NQD11-45000% Board 101: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3 EAC8-10000% Board 111: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3 E3S6-15000% Board 121: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN2 W2C911000% Board 131: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN1 SAC914000% Board 141: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN5 W6D11-40000% Board 151: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN4 E9C10-42000% Board 161: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3NT SKH8-5000% Board 171: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3 WKD9-14000% Board 181: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3 S7D1017000% Board 191: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN7NT EQH13-222000% Board 201: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN2 N9S89000% Board 211: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN4 W4S11-45000% Board 221: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3 SKH914000% Board 231: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN1NT N4C79000% Board 241: SHEILA PRYCE / GORDON BROWN3 E2C10-17000%
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