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Latest Newsletter available now

Wellbeing Officer

Please contact the Wellbeing Officer, Anita Davis on 0448 282 164 or via email at [email protected] or at the club if you know of a member who is ill, hospitalised or suffering bereavement and Anita will respond.

Partnership Co-ordinator

Anyone looking for a partner for any session, please contact the Partnership Co-ordinator, Anita Davis on 0448 282 164 or via email [email protected]


Membership is open to all persons who are prepared to subscribe to the objectives of the Club and agree to comply with its Constitution, By-laws and Regulations.

Existing Members

Membership renewals are due from 1st July each year and must be paid by 31st July. Late payments for no valid reason may incur a $TBA late fee. Membership will be regarded as lapsed if not renewed by the end of August and table money will be charged at visitors' rates.

New Members

Applicants must be nominated by an ordinary or life member. The appropriate nomination and membership fees are to be submitted with the application form which will be posted on the club notice board for a minimum of two weeks before being considered by the Management Committee. These fees vary according to the time in the Club's financial year (1 July to 30th June) when your membership starts, but will include a one-off Nomination Fee of $25.00.

Kalamunda District Bridge Club is affiliated to the Bridge Association of Western Australia (BAWA) and the Australian Bridge Federation (ABF). New members must nominate the Club or another affiliated bridge club, to which they belong, to be their Home Club for ABF/BAWA purposes.

Click here to open the KDBC Membership Application Form

2024/2025 Subscriptions

The 2024/2025 subscription is now due and payable during the months of June 2024 and July 2024.

Member Type Subscription Type Full Year Amount After 31st December
KDBC Home Club Members Club Subscription $50.00 $25.00
Alternate Club Members Club Subscription $25.00 $12.50
New Members Nomination Fee $25.00 $25.00

Membership Payments

Any payment to the club including subscriptions can be paid to the Director of the day whenever you play at a session or by direct bank transfer to the Club's account.

Details of the bank account are:
Account Name BSB Account Number
Kalamunda District Bridge Club 086-288 89288-5595

Please put your first name and surname in the reference field so that our Treasurer knows who has made the payment.

KDBC Bridge Session Pre-Payment Scheme

This scheme is available to KDBC Members only. It enables you to pay your table money in advance so that:
a) you are not looking for change on the day; and
b) there will be less bulky coinage to be taken to the bank.

The scheme is entirely optional. It has come about because a number of members asked for it and now many members are taking advantage of it. Tokens of the value of a standard Member Table Fee per session (currently $6, increases to $7 from 1st October 2023) can be purchased in batches of 10.

To take part, you have two options:
- Order tokens in batches of 10 by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The Club�s bank details are BSB 086-288, Account No. 89288-5595. Your reference will be your name and �tokens�. The tokens will be ready to be collected from the Director in two or three days.
- Order tokens from a session Director (minimum of one batch of 10) can also be made with cash or EFTPOS.

When you sit down to play, simply put a token on the table and put a �T� alongside your name on the Table Slip. If you are playing at a supervised session, you can still use your token but add a dollar and put �T + 1� on the Table Slip.

Occasionally you may be playing in a competition at the Club where an entry fee is involved. You can still use your token but pay the balance in cash.
Please note that tokens may only be used for playing fees.

Table Manners

  • At all times be nice to your Partner and opposition Players. Contract Bridge requires quick thinking and decision making. The players should know that maintaining a friendly atmosphere and providing partner with moral support when needed, are essential for maintaining good productive communication throughout the play. Endless post mortems and blaming your partner (a regrettable habit by some players) are not going to make any difference to the result, and only lead to further deterioration of constructive communication with your partner.

  • Be graceful in defeat and humble after your victories. This will enhance the atmosphere at your table enormously. Contract Bridge may be a fiercely competitive sport, but this does not mean it can't still be played as a Gentleman's/Lady's game !

  • Count your cards before looking at them. If a player has an incorrect number of cards (i.e. not 13), the Director shall be called.

  • Don't make comments about the bidding or play until the end of the hand.

  • Convey information to your Partner only with your calls or plays - not with gestures, mannerisms or hesitations.

  • Wait until it's your turn to play.

  • When making the opening lead put your card face down first. Your Partner should indicate to you that you are in the correct position to lead.

  • Once you have turned your card over you cannot look back at the whole trick, only at your own card (without showing anyone else).

  • While "Claiming" without playing out the whole hand, any statement by Declarer or a Defender to the effect that a side will win a specific number of tricks is a claim of those tricks. A claim should be accompanied at once by a clear statement of your line of play or defence through which the Claimer proposes to win the tricks claimed, including the order in which the cards will be played. The player making the claim or concession faces his hand. Less experienced players may not see it as quickly as you. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of a claim the Director must be called.

  • Agree on the number of tricks before collecting your cards to put back into the board. A player should not disturb the order of his played cards until agreement has been reached on the number of tricks won. A player who fails to comply with the provisions of this Law jeopardizes his right to claim ownership of doubtful tricks or to claim (or deny) a revoke.

  • After play, each player should mix his cards before returning them to the board. This is to avoid unauthorised information being obtained from either: the order in which cards were played; or if the hand was passed out at the previous table.

Calling the Director

  • The Director must be called if ANYTHING goes wrong by calling "Director Please". Don't try to fix things yourself. Any player except Dummy may call the Director during the play.

Systems and Conventions

  • If your Opponents are playing unusual methods they will let you know by alerting. Ask for an explanation if you need to know more.

Alerting and Giving Information

  • If your Partner opens 1♣, you must describe the minimum number of cards in the club suit, or if playing a strong club system, describe the minimum number of HCP that the bid represents.

  • If a bid must be alerted (ABF Alert Regulations 1994) the PARTNER of the bidders says "alert" and then produces alert card and shows it to the Opposition.

  • You can ask about Opponents' alerted or self-alerted bids when it is your turn to call, but if you do not as at that time, any subsequent questions must be about the entire auction and not of one particular bid.

  • As Declarer, you should offer full explanation to your Opponents of all your side's calls if they include alerted calls or any mistaken explanation given.